Web - 3 min read

The one time that you want to see heavy traffic? On your business website

Posted  |  Written by David Ligtenberg

In order for it to be a success, you must have a constant stream of targeted traffic to your business website to profit.

There are so many things to consider when it comes to getting traffic to your website and unfortunately there's no quick-fix, it is not as hard as some may have you think. It does, however, take commitment and a little out-of-the-box thinking.

FREE out of the box tips to skyrocket your business website's traffic

    1. 1. Have a content strategy in place.This is really just about you working out what content you can come up with weekly and schedule it in. Eg: Start writing one blog a week and submit this blog post as an article to free article directories.Quick tips to help you put a content strategy together:
      • a. Find sites related to your industry. Use these as inspiration / research to help you write your articles. Don't hesitate to quote and give credit to your sources.
      • b. Use video that you may have shot or adverts
      • c. Write an article about an FAQ's that client's ask you regularly
      • d. Set a realistic writing schedule and stick to it
      • e. Get your staff involved and share the load, if possible even hire a professional copywriter


    1. 2. Use free article directories to promote your website. Distributing your articles to thousands of resources will get your website and your blog ranking higher in search engine rankings. The key is to write quality, unique content. While it might take longer to put together unique content, Google loves this and it also gives site visitors another reason to stay on your site.


  1. 3. Start joining forums and social networks in your niche.If you have a website that is aimed at giving business advice, make sure you join all the business forums you can, and any free business sites.To get the most out of posting on different networks or forums make sure you find out where your link is allowed, and post your business website link in your signature. Once this is done schedule some time each week to make posts. People will start considering you an expert, and gladly check out your site. The other thing that will happen is you will build up links back to your website from related saites - this will help your site rank better in search engines.
    • a. Delegate. Get a team member to find a couple relevant forums each week for you to answer to. Write the answer and then get your team member to post your answer. Even create a free blog / site with all your answers and links to these forums with a
      service like Tumblr.
    • b. Use Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn and Youtube as part of your social network strategy.
    • c. When you post a new blog on your website make sure you have a sharing tool on each article like AddThis and set a goal to share it on five or more different networks.


There is heaps of other things that you could be doing but if you apply the above you will have a great content and link building strategy in place, and most importantly, one that Google loves.

Got your own methods that work for your business website? Let us know.

As always, if you have any questions about the above, or ideas or feedback, we would love to hear your thoughts.

If all this sounds too complicated or timely, please have a chat to us, we'd love to help

David Ligtenberg Post written by
David Ligtenberg View Author
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Web, SEO, Business Advice, Online Marketing, Tips, Web Strategy, Website

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