Design - 6 min read

Brand consistency: How to craft the ultimate customer experience

Team working through their brand consistency
Posted  |  Written by David Ligtenberg

Many businesses have invested in a logo, but a strong brand identity and brand consistency can be the make or break between gaining and keeping customers. A brand identity goes far beyond a logo graphic and some colours.

Branding encapsulates the way customers feel with every interaction they have with your business; the look, the messaging, and the personality you have. From the first click on your website to the moment they receive your product or service, and even if they need to ask for a refund, every touchpoint matters.

In this post:

  1. What is branding?
  2. Why branding strategy matters
  3. Enhancing customer experience
  4. Benefits of brand consistency
  5. How to achieve brand consistency in your business

What is branding?

Branding is the promise you make to your customers about what they can expect from your products and services. It’s a combination of:

  • Your logo, including font and colours
  • Your business identity, including design styles and imagery
  • Your messaging, including tone of voice and personality
  • Every other interaction that shapes a customer's perception of your brand.

Branding is about creating a consistent and exceptional customer experience.

Why branding strategy matters

Your branding strategy should be designed to provide a cohesive experience across all brand touchpoints. Your website, social media, over the phone, or product packaging should all reflect the same language, tone of voice, and visual identity. Consistency builds trust, and trust builds loyalty.

Enhancing customer experience through brand consistency

Woman serving ice cream using brand consistency

Ensuring your customers have a great experience with your business, from initial contact, through to the purchase of your product or service, and even if they ask for a refund, is all part of branding. Every aspect of the customer’s interaction with your brand should be seamless and connected.

Initial Contact

The first impression is crucial. Whether it’s through a social media post, an email, or a visit to your website or store, make sure your branding is immediately recognisable and engaging. Use clear, action-oriented language that reflects your brand’s tone of voice. 

  • Example: When you land on the Apple website, you’re immediately greeted with clean, minimal design and simple language that reflects the brand's values of innovation and simplicity. Whether it’s a product launch email, an Instagram post or the products themselves, Apple consistently focuses on premium user experience from the first interaction. You know Apple when you see it - it doesn’t necessarily need to have the logo visible for you to know it’s their brand.

Product/Service Purchase

When a customer makes a purchase, your brand’s identity should be felt throughout the entire process. This includes everything from your website, the packaging of your product, your email signature or letterhead, and even the follow-up emails. What if the customer enters your office or storefront? Does it match the same feel as your website or your brochure? Every detail counts.

  • Example: The eco-friendly toilet paper brand, Who Gives A Crap, makes the purchasing process as fun and sustainable as its mission. They use quirky, humorous language and design that can be seen in every touch point; the website, brightly coloured packaging, and even amusing language on their delivery boxes. A lot of small details to reflect their commitment to environmental impact and a lighthearted approach to doing good.


The customer experience doesn’t end after the transaction is finished. Follow-up emails, contact with customer support, and even refund requests should all keep the same level of brand consistency. Show your customers that you care about their experience at every stage, and interact with them with the same personality they’ve had at all other touchpoints.

  • Example: Thankyou, which sells everything from soap and sanitiser to cleaning and baby care products, maintains its strong brand values even after a purchase is made. Their follow-up emails share stories of how your purchase has helped communities, while their responsive customer service reinforces the brand’s commitment to doing good and transparency.

The benefits of brand consistency

  • Builds trust: Customers know what to expect from your brand, which builds trust and loyalty, as they continue to know who you are.
  • Increases recognition: Consistent use of the same design, language, and even humour, makes your brand more recognisable.
  • Boosts professionalism: A consistent brand feels more professional and credible, even if the brand takes a funny or laid-back approach. 

How to achieve brand consistency in your business

Branding business meeting

  • Stocktake your brand: The first step is to take a look at the touchpoints currently in play. Are they aligned? If you have a strong, structured and professional logo, but your messaging is funny or casual, it can feel disconnected to your customers.
  • Decide on direction: Consider exactly how you want your brand to be remembered, and then adjust your messaging, visuals and other aspects. If you need a new logo design or brand design to match your brand’s feeling, then you can get a new logo & brand identity
  • Create brand guidelines: Document your brand’s visual and verbal elements. Think about the styles of photos you use, if you use sentence case or word case for headings, and if lists should use full-stops or not at the end. This can be as simple as you’d like, or more advanced to include phrases that can be used by your staff or recommended word choices.
  • Train your team: Make sure your employees understand the importance of brand consistency and how to implement it in their roles. Ensure they have the resources and easy access to understand what can and can’t be used and ensure they can make these choices easily.
  • Regularly review: Periodically review all customer touchpoints to ensure they align with your brand guidelines. Sometimes, certain parts of your brand image may not connect with your customers. Reviewing your touchpoints ensures that the personality you’re crafting is what sticks with your customers.

What’s next for your business branding?

Branding is a holistic strategy that affects every aspect of your business. It’s not just about having a great logo (which is important), but about creating a consistent and exceptional customer experience every time someone engages with your business. By focusing on brand consistency, you can build trust, increase recognition, and strengthen the image of your business.

Ready to take your branding to the next level?

Get in touch for a custom branding strategy to boost your website’s image.

David Ligtenberg Post written by
David Ligtenberg View Author
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