If I told you, you can put all that money you're currently spending on radio spots, TV commercials, and newspaper or magazine ads back in your pocket, and still close more sales than ever before, would you be interested? If you answered with a resounding 'hell yeah!', then have a quick read below about how inbound marketing can deliver for you -
If you haven't heard of inbound marketing before you might what to read our blog that explains what is and why it is so effective.
Think about the way you pay for traditional marketing. You pay for an ad that runs in the weekend edition of the local paper. You pay for an ad that runs in a certain time slot on TV or radio, or you pay for a banner ad that shows up on a website for a certain period of time. You're trying to hit a narrow window, and hoping you reach enough people during that window for the ad to bring in more business.
Inbound marketing doesn't work that way. With inbound marketing, you are creating value that draws customers to you. Whether you're writing a blog, creating a video channel, or doing something else that will get customers to come to you, the process is a long-term investment which continues to work for you 24/7.
Because Inbound Marketing acts more like a long-term investment than a short-term infusion of activity, it tends to be a hell of a lot cheaper than outbound marketing but delivers a better ROI. Inbound marketing comes in with a hefty 14.6% close rate on sales, as opposed to a 1.7% close rate for traditional outbound marketing (HubSpot stats).
The goal of any advertising is to turn someone into a customer. If people see an ad on TV, the goal is to plant the idea in their heads that your service or product is what they need. However, with traditional advertising you need to first get your audience's attention, THEN you need to motivate them to seek you out, and THEN you have to close the deal. That's a lot of work for a single ad, or even a single ad campaign, to achieve.
Inbound marketing, on the other hand, sets its sights on people who are already actively looking for your product or service, cutting out several steps in the traditional marketing process.
These are just a few of the advantages that come with a solid inbound marketing strategy but as you can see this approach has some huge payoffs. For more benefits inbound marketing can bring to your business, we would love to have a chat with you so contact us or call us on 1300 79 55 41.
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